Using Animation For Social Media Campaigns

Using Animation for Social Media

Using Animation For Social Media Campaigns - Social media is one of the most powerful forces that brands can harness for advertising, marketing, and promotions. However, the oversaturation present within most social media platforms makes it incredibly hard to stand out from the crowd in a meaningful way. One of the best ways to overcome this obstacle is by using animated content to boost engagement and promote brand recognition in a way that is entirely customised and unique to you and your needs. You don’t just want your content to be viewed by a large platform, you also need it to have the power to convert your audience into buyers or subscribers to your message. The unique authority of animation allows you to accomplish these goals and set your brand above the competition amidst the cutthroat but vital social media background. 

Benefits of animation for social media  

The tangible advantages that set animation apart when looking at effective social media campaigns are numerous. The exact benefits that you may receive vary depending on your goals, brand, message, target audience, and other components of your marketing strategy. However, some commonly realised benefits of animation on social media include:  

  • Stop the scroll and boost engagement: The bright, visually appealing nature of animation means that it can easily stand out on a social media feed, and when something stands out and causes the audience to stop scrolling to take a closer look, they are much more likely to engage with your content and, ultimately, your brand. Animation is also a much more readily shared medium, making it that much easier for your content to be distributed across platforms.  
  • Evoke emotions: Different emotions can be evoked depending on the style and content of your animations. For example, bright happy cartoon characters convey comfort, joy, and warmth, while muted colours can evoke professionalism and more. You have complete control of what emotions you want your audiences to associate with your brand.  
  • Easily updatable: While live action footage often must be entirely re-shot once the promotion or relevant season is over, animation can be continuously re-worked to stay up to date with the current times for a fraction of the budget making it a cost-effective way to stay relevant.  
  • Obvious call to actions: With animation, you don’t have to beat around the bush and hope that your audience gets your point. You have complete control of every single element of the animation and can create a clip with a very clear message and call to action, leaving no question as to what you would like viewers to do next!  

You don’t have to just take our word for it, the success of animated content created by Pushed for social media speaks for itself. For example, check out this Remembrance Day campaign in action.

The animation is quick and punchy, allowing the main point of the message to be conveyed without needing the viewer to maintain focus for a long time. It is quick, which not only increases its engagement potential, but also gives it an excellent shareability factor. This is accomplished because of the ability of animation to incorporate symbolic colours, imagery, and messages within just a few brief seconds. It easily evokes emotions in the viewer as it pays homage to those who have fought bravely for our freedom. The mood is sombre and respectful, as befitting the occasion, and the message of the animation is very clear immediately, without any spoken words required. Using animation rather than live action footage or a video means that this clip’s bold colours will instantly stand out on anyone’s feed, encouraging them to pause scrolling and engage with the content and brand.  

Pushed has many years of experience with animated content creation for social media campaigns and would love to talk with you about your needs and goals for your next social media project. When it comes to animation, the only limit is your imagination, so contact us to get started today!

Who we've worked with

City College Plymouth
Champion Groundworks
Plymouth Citybus
National Trust
Brittany Ferries