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Women In Animation

Women in Animation

The field of animation has historically been very male dominated, especially when it comes to big names in production, innovation and development. Although women have been a driving force for the industry since its inception, often their early work was overlooked or even taken credit for by others despite the value that they provided in developing creative new techniques and technological advances. As the field of animation flourished and became a global sensation with Walt Disney and other big-name producers stepping onto the scene, women flooded into the field—but often held production roles behind the scenes and were notably absent from director and producer titles.

Although the representation of women in animation has increased as the decades progressed and we stepped into the modern era, the initial pattern that was established in those early days still holds true today, although to a lesser degree. However, many feel that change is on the horizon, and women are recruited more and more for their talents and contributions to the field. Now, industry advocacy group Women in Animation reports that, in animation schools across the US and Europe, as many as 60% of the students are women. However, that number drastically decreases to between 20% and 40% when looking at the number of women in the workforce beyond school, showing how much more work there still is to do when moving towards a field that highlights the talents and contributions of both men and women equally.  

Are you a woman considering a career in animation?  

If you think that animation might be the right fit for you, there is no better time than now to consider joining the field. Since its inception, animation has only grown by leaps and bounds and is now an established feature of modern-day marketing, media, entertainment, and even business. The world is constantly hungry for animated content, and you might be just the person to help create the next big animated hit like Toy Story, Ice Age, or Frozen. Although it is a male-dominated field at present, the industry has a constant need for talent, artistry, and imagination—and women are stepping up in droves to deliver.  

Is animation right for me?  

Animation is an amazing industry that is uniquely able to highlight the talents of an incredible variety of personalities and skill sets, meaning that nearly everyone who wants to can find a suitable niche in the industry. However, there are some necessary traits that can help determine if animation is a good fit for you:  

  • Passion for the craft  
  • Attention to small details  
  • Patience with the repetitive, slow-to-produce work 
  • Artistic vision 
  • Imagination  
  • Methodical, thorough, and detail-oriented 
  • Ability to understand perspectives  
  • Understanding of technical aspects of design  

If you feel that you have all of these traits, then animation might be the perfect fit for you! You can also consider where you would like to work, and which skills might be more important for which setting—from commercial animation to film animation and beyond.  


Once you have determined that your personality and skills might be a good match for the industry, you can begin acquiring the necessary qualifications to start the process of becoming an animator! Many employers require a degree in a subject related to animation. This can be animation itself, or film, photography, graphic design, or computer engineering. Pursuing postgraduate studies can also help you in your quest for the perfect animation job but is not always a requirement. Once you have some education and practice, creating a portfolio that showcases your work will help employers get a feel for your style and determine if you are a good fit for their company. As an exciting and ever-growing field, the animation industry can’t wait to have you!