Pure Transfer – Hose Baby

This animated clip is another 3D animation that continues the humorous and popular series that Pushed has worked on for Pure Transfer. Previous instalments featured the introduction, courtship, and marriage of Mr and Mrs Flexi Hose, and this newest episode takes their family story one step further. As we continue to follow Mr and Mrs Flexi through their lives, they now are shown to have a new baby bringing joy into their lives – quite literally bringing hoses to life!

These animations are a quick-fire, unique way to grab the attention of the audience and ensure they can see the importance of high-quality equipment to remove the chances of a leak. The video harnesses the metaphor of comparing a baby to a leaking hose, employing a clever strategy to get their point across. Using an advertising approach such as this, which uses humour and an engaging, multiple-episode storyline, draws in audiences, and allows the Pure Transfer name to stick in their heads much faster than it would using a typical advertising approach.

Client - Pure Transfer
Producer - Dave Meadows
Animator - Joe de Noronha
Scriptwriter - Chris McGuire

Who we've worked with

City College Plymouth
Champion Groundworks
Plymouth Citybus
National Trust
Brittany Ferries