National Trust Saltram – Case Study

Saltram House is a grade I listed George II era mansion set on the outskirts of Plymouth, Devon. It has a rich past which covers more than 300 years of history and has seen its use change many times, from the home of noblemen to a temporary POW camp during WWII. Since being handed over to National Trust in 1957, many preservationist efforts have been put in place, along with events being put on to appeal to younger generations and ensure visitor numbers don’t dwindle out. 

This case study was created to reflect on the process that Pushed and Saltram took to create this engaging animation and the requirement from the National Trust to appeal to a wider audience. Even though the National Trust has turned Saltram House into a countryside oasis packed with history, their work is never done, and they needed a new avenue to convey the multiple layers of Saltram House’s history in a way that would be, engaging, and relevant to the wide variety of audiences that the National Trust hoped to appeal to. 

Client - Pushed
Producer - Dave Meadows
Animator - Dave Meadows
Cameraman - Gareth Allen

Who we've worked with

City College Plymouth
Champion Groundworks
Plymouth Citybus
National Trust
Brittany Ferries