National Trust – Agroforestry

Agroforestry is the focus of planting trees together with arable crops or grazing livestock in order to create a natural windbreak between fields and reduce soil losses due to wind erosion. It also provides an extra source of sustainable income for the farms. The trees store carbon and contribute to improving the carbon levels in the soil, in some areas wildflowers and grasses are sown around to create wildlife rich areas and corridors that attract important pollinators such as bees while providing protection and safe passage for the natural inhabitants of the area. 

This video was created along with ones about leaky dams and riparian planting, and all three serve to educate viewers about the purposes of the projects led by the National Trust through the Green Recovery Challenge Fund. Rather than explaining in an article or memo, Pushed has created an engaging visual representation of where the project is now, and takes advantage of cutting-edge CGI technology that allows audiences to truly see the National Trust’s vision and direction for the agroforestry project. With concepts that might be difficult to explain to those who do not have a background in the topic—such as agroforestry, riparian planting, and leaky dams—videos such as these go beyond what sheer definitions can do.  

Client - National Trust
Producer - Dave Meadows
Animator - Tom Gasson
Editor - Joe de Noronha

Who we've worked with

City College Plymouth
Champion Groundworks
Plymouth Citybus
National Trust
Brittany Ferries