Title Sequence Production - James Martin’s French Adventures follows James as he travels around France in a Citroen 2CV taking in the picturesque French vineyards and towns and experiencing all that the country known for its beauty and culinary delights has to offer. From tasting world-famous wine in Burgundy to boat tripping on Lake Annecy, visiting the magnificent cheese fort in the Jura region, and whirlwind tours of Marseille, St Tropez and Normandy, viewers are sure to experience a host of scenic shots and locales as they experience all that the country has to offer in the way of history, food, and adventure through the eyes of adventurer and culinary expert James Martin. In fact, for a series that focuses on culinary experiences and adventure, there is perhaps no better locale than the French countryside. James finishes the series in Paris, enjoying world class restaurants to top off his journey of food exploration that led him across the varied and picturesque terrain of France.
For this 30 second title sequence, our team stylised the illustrations in order to give them a French feel, using typical French colours to further advance the theme and transport the viewers into the heart of James’s journey. We used After Effects and Illustrator to give life to these ideas and to tie all of the themes together in order to match and promote the feeling and heart of the program. Viewers will experience a light-hearted glimpse into the course of the series as James journeys far and wide through France, taking in the best wine and vineyards, fresh fruits, good eats, and idyllic local scenery. Upbeat music, a quick pace, and cheerful illustrations all serve to promote Pushed’s goal of blending the reality and overarching brand of the series, with the cheery ambiance of the title sequence as a way to both complement and advance the series itself.