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Breast Cancer Awareness Month – October 2023

Breast cancer has unfairly taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals for decades across the United Kingdom. As the rate of breast cancer diagnoses continues to climb—up to over 150 new cases a day in the UK alone, according to Breast Cancer UK—Breast Cancer Awareness Month was created as a way to provide a piece of hope for the future. This important month serves to increase awareness of the importance of breast cancer screening for early detection and treatment.

Pushed created this animation to participate in Breast Cancer Awareness Month and help to spread knowledge of the importance of early detection and the hope for a cure. The animation, which can be shared across our social media channels and other online platforms, uses the metaphor of breast cancer screening as a buoy of hope and depicts two symbolic buoys floating peacefully in the water. The animation uses symbolic colours and a simple, effective design that allows its message to be clearly received without distraction. With such a versatile animation, Pushed can share it across their online platforms, helping to bring awareness to such an important cause. 

Client - Pushed
Producer - Dave Meadows
Animator - Amy Lucas